#212 Green-Blue

#212 Green-Blue


I prefer civilisation to nature, hence the true focus of the photo is the car in the background. Now go on, throw stones at me.

51 thoughts on “#212 Green-Blue

    1. That’s so cute how you suspect me of graceful humour! Nope, I’m seriously a city girl who is currently exiled in the country. I also seriously prefer cars to bushes because cars are more comfortable… I don’t know if it will be a problem or not, so, where do we live after our glorious marriage? Country or city? 😉


        1. You know what, as long as it’s Britain, I’ll be happy. Country of city, whatever. I’m a great fan of Britain, it’s maybe silly but it’s the case. 😉


    1. Hello, my lovely fiancée! Not yet married and you already made me the happiest person. Seriously. I know that blogging awards are a bit like a chain letter, nevertheless, I’m extremely grateful and overjoyed that someone somewhere chooses to pass an award on to me. Thank you very much. I’ll look in the rules and I’ll be more than happy to accept. Well, so I got quite sentimental today, didn’t I…


          1. I feared that you might be upset… It was fun, we had a fancy degustation menu, so half of the time I had no clue what I was eating and which set of cutlery I’m supposed to eat it with… Slightly awkward. And I couldn’t help giggling at the ridiculously tiny portions. I’m a primitive woman who doesn’t appreciate food art…


          2. Yes I know what you mean we match well. I mean I don’t want the food to look ugly but I just want to eat it and for it to taste good. Getting confused over food isn’t what you want! X


          3. Perfect! We’ll get along well 😉 I’m not a huge fan of anything too fancy. We actually got the menu as gift, otherwise we wouldn’t probably go for it and I’d stuck with my favourite buttered toasts.


          4. I just made kinda biscuits tonight written by one of the cooks from the fiesta chellsnge. Seeing it only had 3 ingredients I didn’t see how I could go wrong and thank goodness I didn’t! Went well with soup but not exactly a celebratory meal. Maybe that will have to wait.
            So it’s plain and simple foods for the wedding?


          5. Biscuits sound fine enough 🙂 Maybe you could celebrate with some dessert?

            The wedding should have adult-sized portions and a single set of fork and knife per person. That is all.


          6. Hehe! Actually, when I was getting married the first time, I wanted roasted duck, which was my favourite meal at the time, but was told that then the guests would have to eat it with their fingers, which wouldn’t be festive enough… I think eating with your fingers is festive enough. Like in the medieval mead-halls 🙂


          7. Oh yes I love duck especially Peking duck oh I am salivating now! There’s also something mildly erotic about eating with fingers! When it’s adults of course!!!!!!


          8. Yes Peking duck it is then that’s great we have one major arrangement set then woohoo I need to go and celebrate just for that but oh no I have to play the hide and seek game with you today…grins


          9. Absolutely perfect! I call it a deal! Please go and celebrate, I’ve already done my celebrating with the Friday fancy dinner… And I’ll be seeking you later this day on your blogs 😉


          10. Oh dear well my post was going to be on the Sunday moments of delight but oddly Meghan hasn’t posted anything yet which is really unlike her so I havnt posted ‘my’ post yet…..waiting waiting! Maybe it gives me time to polish my nails hmmm what colour?


          11. Get out of my head! It was me who prepared a post for you for this week’s Random Delight!! I have the post on mind since our engagement and I will put it together probably tomorrow. I’m sure Meghan will tune in sooner or later! Oh, and the colour, I’ve got grey now on, so can get red? Or pink? It’s your favourite colours, right?


          12. I think red is elegant, as long as it doesn’t go with a micro-skirt and cleavage. Ok, so stay in my head if you like, but I could think of more pleasant places to stay in!


          13. Hm, if you don’t have light orange, then nude/neutral always works 😉 Green would probably look funny, I don’t know. But I say, surprise me!


          14. You did surprise me just now – with your wonderful post over at your blog! I did find it no problem because I FINALLY followed your blog and I left you an unduly sentimental comment. Very unlike me…


          15. I don’t remember what the sniff is for heh. When I’m on my phone it only gives what you say not what I say and when it’s the next day I find it hard to tally up the specific convo to the response hence sometimes I’m sure you get mad ones from me. Oh ps spot large bald man like your large bald man but prob diff colour hehe


          16. Hehe, yes, I see! No issue here, let’s just move on! I guessed who the big bald man might be and I love him. He’s exactly like my big bald man, just like we suspected! Except mine is extremely pale coloured. On an unrelated note, your children are sweeties. So are your dogs! The countryside you were taking your walk in doesn’t suck either 😉


          17. Heyy you my lovely fiancé you brought a big smile to my
            Face it was so lovely to see you at all of my blogs and commenting. I’m glad you like their looks etc. I took some photos today and thought of you Lolol now I sound like a love sick puppy right? Well I know how you like your pics and I’m planning on posting them tomorrow…I wonder which blog and whether you will find them hehe


          18. It was me who was happy to discover the lots of work that you did on your blogs while I was not looking! I must visit much more often.

            Now, you made me very curious about your new photos!! I WILL find them for sure, I will be waiting expectantly!!


          19. Hide and seek! That’s good. Though it worries me a bit that if I played hide and seek with someone, they wouldn’t seek me. Just an irrational and unrelated idea here…


          20. Oh you make me cry now of course everyone would come and seek you, but I know you like hiding too remember the shed? I am thinking when we are married do I have to fit you woth some kind of tracking device?


          21. Aaww, you’re so sweet… And funny! Will you fit me with a microchip implant in case I go in hiding? Well, I do hide deliberately from most people, but I don’t think you’re among them!


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