

Too loud to silence

Too large to contain

Swirling in the brain

That needs a break

Not to break


27 thoughts on “Thoughts

    1. Thank you very much! Yes, thoughts need action; perhaps not all of them indiscriminately, but those that are very pressing probably do. I love your interpretation of my lines — they are ambiguous, so anyone can choose to what end to perceive them, and I do like your view.


  1. Love the wordplay in the last three lines: “… That needs a break not to break down.” I think giving the word “down” a line by itself was also extremely effective, as it created a sudden dip when I was reading the poem in my head. And a “sudden dip” is exactly what happens when we break down! 😊

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you very much, Yusra, for your kind comment — it helps a lot that you told me specifically what worked for you! And yes, I admit that I was consciously going for this effect of a sudden dip reminiscent of a breakdown, so I’m glad that it worked for you. Thanks for stopping by and have a nice day with no breakdowns!


          1. hah you do make me laugh and thank you. I had about 4 inchs of hair cut off today so Lucile wanted proof of my haircut then demanded, no suggested hehe that i use the pic as my new avatar pic, so being oh so obedient I did as she said lolol ho ho ho hehe x


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